News /Others

Plaque of Smart Site Safety System Labelling Scheme

We are proud to announce that we are one of the first batch of contractors that have obtained the plaque of the Smart Site Safety System (4S) Labelling Scheme in the Presentation Ceremony on 29 July 2024.

We have implemented the 4S Labelling Scheme in our residential development in Deep Water Bay Road starting from November 2023, in advance of the mandatory requirement on 1 July 2024 by the Building Department. Tysan always puts Safety first and always inverts in the latest technology and facilities that can improve the site safety.

Group Photo for the first batch successfully labelled of the 4S Labelling Scheme

Plaque of 4S Labelling System

Smart AI Analytics (CCTV) Platform

Smart Watch

Tysan's Representative receive the Plaque in Presentation Ceremony

Virtual Reality Training